Plastic Bottles

Plastic bottles are stocked in sizes ranging from 1/2 oz. on up to 32 oz. We also stock items that are loosely referred to as bottles from 32 oz. on up to 5 gallon.   We carry carafes, cylinders, boston rounds, modern round, standard round, f-style and cc round plastic bottles.

Along with the bottles, we carry a wide selection of poly caps, phenolic caps, spout caps, orifice caps, sprayers and droppers caps. In most cases items will be shown without a cap as we offer a variety of cap and closure choices.



Carafes have a neck that is designed to allow a firm grip. They are a perfect match for trigger sprayers or as a plastic spray bottle.



Cylinder plastic bottles have straight sides right up to the neck with only a very slight taper from the side wall to the neck of the bottle.

Boston Round


Boston Round plastic bottles have an evenly rounded shoulder that is similar to the standard round bottles but with a smaller opening.

Modern Round


Modern round plastic bottles have an evenly angled shoulder that extends from the main diameter of the bottle up to the neck. Hydrogen Peroxide and Rubbing Alcohol are often packed in modern round bottles.

Standard Round / cc Round


Standard round or cc round bottles have a smooth evenly rounded shoulder. You can find a greater variety of similar items under cc round jars.

Space Saver Oblong

Space saver jars or bottles are rectangular or oblong.  This allows for far more efficient packaging than a typical round container.

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These F-Style containers are rectangular plastic containers with a handle molded into the bottle. They are normally included under jugs, however, the smaller sizes might make them an interesting option for traditional cylindrical plastic bottles.

5 gallon rectangular



Cubitainers are composite packages sometime referred to as a bag / bottle in a box. The actual arrangement is that the box holds a semi-rigid bladder that has a cap like a bottle. Cubitainers boxes have a hole in the corrugated box that is fitted with a round plastic cover when shipping.

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