Closures for Open Head Steel Pails

We sell open head steel pails in sizes from 2 gallon to 6.5 gallon. Covers are sold separately. The 2 gallon pail has a lug cover only. The 3.5 gallon pails through 6.5 gallon pails can be purchased with dish covers (pancake) or lug covers (steel covers with steel tabs that must be crimped down). For the dish covers,  we sell either a steel ring (lever locking ring) or a bolt ring to hold the cover securely to the pail.  Although all of the 3.5 gallon through 6.5 gallon pails can be used with either the dish covers or lug covers, some pails carry a UN designation and must be used with a specific cover in order to be UN certified.  If your product is not hazardous and does not need a UN rating, you have the option of switching covers.  We will, in that instance, put a print note on your order stating that this combination of pail and lid invalidates the UN certification.  We stock several crimping tools for our pails and if you are not sure which tool you need you can always call us and we will be glad to help.

Lug Covers

Dish Covers

Lever Locking Ring


Categories: steel pails

Author: Gail

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