Containers with an 89mm Opening

Containers with an 89mm opening are also referred to as wide mouth containers. 89mm is approximately 3.5 inches. All the containers listed below are wide mouth jars. The material choices include:
- High density polyethylene
- Glass
- Polystyrene
- Polypropylene
The style choices include:
- Straight sided glass
- Regular wall injection molded plastic
- Thick wall injection molded plastic
- Wide mouth round plastic
Cap choices can be found directly below the list of jars.
Glass Jars
We have a 16 ounce (pint) straight sided glass jar and a 32 ounce (quart) straight sided glass jar. For more information on straight sided jars, please click here.
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PET Plastic Jars
For more information on PET plastic, please click here.
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High Density Polyethylene Plastic Jars
For more information on HDPE plastic, please click here.
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Regular Wall Injection Molded Plastic Jars
Our regular wall jars are available in clear polystyrene, clarified polypropylene or white polypropylene.
Click here to learn more
Thick Wall Injection Molded Plastic Jars
Our thick wall jars are available in clear polystyrene, white polypropylene and clarified polypropylene. These jars are special order and are not returnable. We strongly advise you ask for a sample before placing your order.
Click here to learn more
89mm Cap Choices
89 400 Caps are available in unlined plastic, foam lined plastic, metal pulp and poly lined and metal plastisol lined.
Click here to learn more
This has been an article on containers by opening.
This has been an article on containers by opening.
Tags: 89400 89mm clarified polypropylene clear polystyrene foam lined cap glass jars high density polyethylene injection molded jars metal cap pet plastic cap plastic jars plastisol lined cap pulp & poly cap regular wall straight sided thick wall unlined plastic cap white polypropylene wide mouth
Categories: caps and closures | glass jars | plastic jars