Coronavirus (COVID – 19)

March 16, 2020
Champion Container Corporation is still 100% operational and on schedule.
Dear Champion Container Customer,
Champion Container would like you to know the protocol that we are enforcing in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to keep our warehouses operational and to prevent any disruptions of supply. Champion is very much aware of the concerns of our customers due to the rapid spread of the virus throughout the U.S. and the world.
First and foremost, to keep our employees safe and in good health, we are following the recommendations from the CDC, state and local governments.
Currently we are 100% operational. We would like to take this opportunity to let you know that we have 6 warehouses in 4 different states in the Northeast. This gives us the ability to ship from multiple locations if certain areas are affected harder than others. This helps alleviate any concerns of state shutdowns or outbreaks.
Finally, all of our major suppliers have been contacted and they do not anticipate any interruption in production.
Champion Container is here to assist in any way that we can. Please, if you have any questions contact your local sales representative.
Richard Lott
Chief Operating Officer
For additional bulletins of Champion Container protocol, go to our websites.
Click on “News/COVID-19”
1) Champion Overall Protocol
2) Warehouse Entering and Exiting Buildings Protocol
Posted on Main Page – Click on “Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Posted on Main Page – Click on “COVID-19 Info”
Special Announcement
As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread and impact our community, we’re taking steps to keep our employees safe and healthy. We are continuing to monitor the virus situation closely and we’re asking everyone to stay safe by adhering to the following steps:
- Be alert to your own health status. If you or anyone in your family is sick, do not come in the office, and notify us. If you’re set up to work from home, do so.
- Practice extreme care with cleanliness and sanitation as prescribed on the CDC website and most local health websites,
- Wash your hands thoroughly
- Use an alcohol based solution to sanitize yourself
Use sanitizing towels for your work area, computer, desk, phone, etc. - Do not schedule meetings with vendors and suppliers for the near term and postpone any existing ones.
- Sales personnel should not come to the office unless necessary (i.e., samples, issues, etc.)
- Avoid crowds
- Keep distance from others
- Monitor health institution websites such as the CDC and local ones to receive up-to-date information
We thank you for your help in managing our response to this health crisis.
Champion COVID-19 Warehouse Protocol
- No one is allowed on the premises unless necessary.
- Truck drivers must wait in their truck while been loaded/unloaded.
- If anyone enters the premises, they have to wash their hands immediately and use sanitizing towels/lotion before any interaction.
- Designate an area with a tray where paperwork will be exchanged to minimize physical proximity to the drivers.
- Do disinfect the area periodically as well as door handles, chairs, etc.
- Minimize the time that outsiders spend inside and monitor their location at all time.
- Our employees should keep safe social distance from outsiders and from each other.
- Be alert to anyone showing symptoms, i.e. fever, sweating, chills.
- Use your judgement to evaluate whether you believe it is safe to allow anybody to enter the building.
Our drivers delivering or picking up at other companies should follow similar guidelines:
- Stay in the truck
- Minimize interaction with as few individuals as possible
- Keep safe social distance
- Wash hands and use sanitizing wipes/lotion
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