Looking for Carboys,Jerricans, Plastic Bottles or Deltangulars?
Are you looking to purchase a carboy or a jerrican? Not sure what those terms mean? Well here is Wikipedia’s definition of a...
UN1A2 Packaging with Dual UN Designation for both Liquids and Solids
We stock a 55 gallon steel drum with a dual UN designation. This drum is rated for both solids and liquids. The solid rating is...
UN6HA1 Composite Packaging
Our CSCP2-11-01 is a 5 gallon steel composite drum (pail) with a UN rating of UN6HA1/Y1.8/100. An explanation of this rating is as...
UN Ratings
We get customers frequently asking for an explanation of UN ratings. UN stands for United Nations and the rating designates the...