glass bottlesGlass Bottles: All

YC1-4OZSQA5761/4 oz.AmberSquare55/6455/642 3/1618 400
OBA13047A7201/2 oz.AmberBoston Round12 11/1618 400
OBA13047F7201/2 oz.Flint/ClearBoston Round12 11/1618 400
OBA13046A4321 oz.AmberBoston Round1 17/643 3/3220 400
OBA13046F4321 oz.Flint/ClearBoston Round1 17/643 3/3220 400
OBA13196A2882 oz.AmberBoston Round1 1/23 11/1620 400
OBA13196F2882 oz.Flint/ClearBoston Round1 1/23 11/1620 400
OBA13059A1604 oz.AmberBoston Round1 29/324 7/1622 400
OBA13059F1604 oz.Flint/ClearBoston Round1 29/324 7/1622 400
OBA13250A1446 oz.AmberBoston Round2 1/85 1/6424 400
OBA13060A968 oz.AmberBoston Round2 1/85 7/1624 400
OBA13060F968 oz.Flint/ClearBoston Round2 1/85 7/1624 400
OBA6729F848 oz.Flint/ClearFrench Square2 1/162 1/165 3/843 400
OBA12896F4016 oz.Flint/ClearFrench Square2 5/82 5/86 9/1648 400
OBA13040A6016 oz.AmberBoston Round2 59/646 5/828 400
OBA13040F6016 oz.Flint/ClearBoston Round2 59/646 5/828 400
OBA13058A3032 oz.AmberBoston Round3 31/328 1/833 400
OBA13058F1232 oz.Flint/ClearBoston Round3 31/328 1/833 400
OBA13058F3032 oz.Flint/ClearBoston Round3 31/328 1/833 400
OBA12955A301 LitreAmberBoston Round3 3/48 9/1633 430

Glass Bottles All Styles

View all of our glass bottles sorted only by size.

Boston Round Glass Bottles

Boston rounds are rounded shoulder glass bottles. They have a narrow opening and a suitable for a variety of industrial and commmerical purposes. We stock most sizes in both flint and amber in sizes ranging from 1/2 oz. to 32oz.

Squares and French Squares

Squares and French Squares (sometimes called powder squares) are square bodied bottles with larger openings. 1/4 oz squares are stocked in amber other sizes up to 16oz are stocked in flint.

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